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Below are some examples from my Photography class. I took photos and focused on the settings and camera features to make the average stand out. I now use the tools I learned, and know how to use to focus on certain features of an image.

Changing the ISO to 1/60 allows the movement and colors in the snow globe to stand out. 


I used a white towel over the camera in the form of a diffuser. This gives concentration on the main subject.

second lowest.JPG

This was taken with a slow shutter so even though the fan is moving, it appears there are no fan blades. 

high shutter.JPG

In contrast, I used a high shutter in this image to show the entirety of the fan appearing to be still even though it is in motion. 


This is a focal point photo that emphasizes the contrast in colors while still having both the ground and volleyball stand out. 


Another focal point photo to show the wide range of uses for this feature. In combination with the reflector, a serious mood is casted on the swimsuit and whistle.  


This photo was taken with an Aperture of 2500 which makes the the container the focal point and the rest of the background blurred. 


I changed the ISO much darker than normal so the white color of the chair pops compared to the dark background. 

Tia Mornard

(920) 770- 6534

©2023 by Tia Mornard . Proudly created with

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